What is Hugo? How to install hugo on windows?

» What is HUGO?

  1. Hugo is a framework which is use to build static site generator, it is written in a GO programming language, which makes it easy and very fast to use.

  2. Websites built with Hugo can be hosted on various hosting platform such as Netlify, Github Pages, Firebase, Google cloud services, Vercel, etc.

  3. With Hugo you can build your portfolio, blogs, and even websites with thousand of pages, Hugo will work fastly and securely.

» Installing Hugo on windows

  1. Create a folder named “Hugo” in the root directory of Local Disc C:
  2. Inside Hugo folder, create another folder named “bin”

Hugo folder will contain the Hugo website, while bin folder will contain all the executable files.

  1. Visit Hugo releases on github and download the latest version of Hugo .zip file.

  2. After the download is complete, extract the Hugo .zip file in the folder which we created in Local Disc C: > Hugo > bin

Congarts! Your Hugo Installtion is complete.

» To check if installing is complete

  1. Open the command prompt

  2. Go in root directoru of C:

C:\cd Hugo/bin
  1. This command below will throw you the latest Hugo version
C:\cd Hugo/bin> hugo version