How to use hugo themes and build our website.

» How To Use Hugo Themes?

  1. Go to

  2. Select the theme of your prefered choice.

  3. Go in their demo site and look for the documentation and follow it for building your website.

» Using FixIt theme

  1. Open Fixit demo.
  2. In docs link, click basic and go through the documentation.

» To build new Hugo site

  1. To build new Hugo site in your system, run the command in command prompt or vs code terminal
hugo new site your_site_name

The above line will create your hugo website in

local disc C: > User
  1. Now go in directory of your website folder with
cd your_site_name
  1. After, all these steps are done clone your choosen hugo theme in themes folder of your website folder, in my case this link is provided in FixIt documentation.
git clone themes/FixIt
  1. This will clone your choosen theme in themes folder of your website folder.

» Mention theme name in config.toml file

  1. Don’t forget this step it’s the most important.

  2. Type this code in config file.

  1. In my case it’s
theme = 'FixIt'
  1. If this is forgotten, hugo site will throw you any Page Not Found Error.

» Create first post

  1. To create first post run the command.
hugo new posts/
  1. This will create your file in content folder of website.

  2. By default our post is set to draft: true so make that draft: false in your file.

To make changes in your website use config.toml file, every thing needed to be changed is in config.toml file.