Selenium Login Automation

» What is Selenium?

  1. Selenium WebDriver: The WebDriver is the core component of Selenium and provides a programming interface to interact with web browsers.

  2. Developers can write scripts in various programming languages (such as Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, etc.) to automate browser actions like clicking buttons, filling forms, navigating pages, and extracting data from web pages.

  3. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment): This is a browser extension used primarily for record and playback testing.

  4. Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid enables the distribution of tests on multiple machines or browsers simultaneously.

» Prerequisites

  1. Make sure that you have Node.js and npm installed by running the commands npm -v and node -v in the terminal.
node -v

npm -v
  1. If you don’t have Node.js installed, visit node.js website and dowmload the latest LTS version.

  2. To install npm, in terminal run the command:

npm intsall -g npm

» Create a new Project

  1. Create a new project named selenium-automation which is initially empty. So open the project in VS code and the terminal let’s initialize this project with npm by running the command
npm init -y

So, it will generate the package.json file which will hold the dependencies.

We also need a selenium-webdriver and chromedriver, let’s run the command

npm install selenium-webdriver chromedriver 

» Write The Script

  1. Import required packages - This code will import necessary classes and functions from the selenium-webdriver package and the selenium-webdriver/chrome package. These are used to interact with the web browser and control its behavior.
const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
  1. Then we are creating a new instance of the chrome.Options class. And, The argument –start-maximized instructs the Chrome browser to start in maximized window mode, ensuring that the browser window opens with its maximum size, filling the entire screen.
const chromeOptions = new chrome.Options();
  1. Then a new WebDriver instance is created using the Builder class. It specifies that the Chrome browser should be used for automation.
const driver = new Builder()
  1. These variables will hold the URL of the website to be logged into and the login credentials (username and password). Make sure, you replace them with your credentials.

const websiteUrl = '';
const username = 'your-username';
const password = 'your-password';

  1. Define async function to automate login, This function will contain the logic to automate the login process.
async function automateLogin() {

  1. Inside the automateLogin function, a try-catch block will be used to handle any potential errors that might occur during the automation process.
async function automateLogin() {
    try {
        // Open the website
        await driver.get(websiteUrl);

        // Find username and password fields, and login button
        const usernameField = await driver.findElement('username'));
        const passwordField = await driver.findElement('username'));
        const loginButton = await driver.findElement(By.css('button[type="submit"]'));

        // Enter username and password
        await usernameField.sendKeys(username);
        await passwordField.sendKeys(password);

        // Click the login button

        // Wait for a specific element on the logged-in 
        // page to ensure successful login
        await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.alert-success')), 10000); 
        // Adjust the CSS selector and timeout as needed

        await delay(5000); // Delay 2 seconds

        console.log('Login successful!');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('An error occurred:', error);
    } finally {
        // Quit the WebDriver session
        await driver.quit();

// Delay the process
function delay(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

// Call the automation function
  1. Run the command in terminal, to run the script:
node file-name

And That’s it! You’ve successfully learned how to automate a login page of any website with the help of Selenium + Node.js.

Thank You and Happy coding!😊