FewV minutes of Arrays and Tupple in Typescript.

» Arrays in TypeScript

  1. For Arrays in TypeScript, We have a specific syntax for typing out an array.

  2. And that is as follows

const names: string[] = ["John", "Jane", "Mary"];

const ages: number[] = [25, 30, 27];


["John", "Jane", "Mary"]

[25, 30, 27]
  1. names is a variable which has a type of string and the square brackets means the variable names is an array containing various values like John, Jane, Mary.

  2. Similarly, ages is a variable which has a type of number and the square brackets means the variable ages is an array containing various values like 25, 30, 27.

  3. Now if we want to add a value in names or ages we can do it with push property.

const names: string[] = ["John", "Jane", "Mary"];

const ages: number[] = [25, 30, 27];

names.push("Bob"); //adding Bob in names array

ages.push(10); //adding 10 in ages array


["John", "Jane", "Mary", "Bob"]

[25, 30, 27, 10]

» Readonly Arrays in TypeScript

  1. Now what if we want arrays to remain unchanged, for this we have readonly keyword, which will prevent array from being changed.

  2. It is typed as

// Readonly array
const books: readonly string[] = ["Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings"];
  1. And now if we try to add another book in books variable, TypeScript will throw an error.
books.push("Almond"); //error => Property 'push' does not exist on type 'readonly string[]'

» Type infer in Arrays

  1. TypeScript can also infer (guess) the type of an array based on it’s value.
// Array type inference
let myFavBooks = ["Harry Potter", "Lord of the Rings"];
// TypeScript infered the type of myFavBooks to string.
  1. But what if we by mistakenly change the type of myFavBooks, TS will throw error.
//error => Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
  1. Which means we cannot use any other type than what is already infered by TS at first.

» Tuple in TypeScript.

  1. A tuple is a typed array with a fixed length and fixed types for each index.

  2. To define a tuple, we have to specify the type of each element that is in the array.

let ourTuple: [string, number];
ourTuple = ["John", 25];


["John", 25]
  1. But when we add an extra value, we will get error
let ourTuple: [string, number]; //target
ourTuple = ["John", 25, true]; //source
// error => Type '[string, number, boolean]' is not assignable to type '[string, number]'.
// Source has 3 element(s) but target allows only 2.
  1. So it is very important to know that the source and target element matches, not only in length but also in each element type.

Thank You, I hope this clears Array and Tupple in TypeScript.